Interface StrongAugmentationService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StrongAugmentationService
Given a strong number, we find the augmented version in order to provide more accurate definitions and context
  • Method Details

    • augment

      String[] augment(String version, String reference, String[] keys)
      The STEP lexicon contains H0001a, H0002b, etc. where a,b are suffixes for homonyms. As a result, with a reference, we can inform the user a bit more about the specific meaning of the word
      version - the version that anchors the reference
      reference - the reference
      keys - the keys @return the list of returned / changed keyed
    • getAugmentedStrongSuffix

      Character getAugmentedStrongSuffix(String strong)
      strong - the strong that is being examined. The basic check is to see if the strong number finishes with a letter
      the char if it is suffixed
    • reduce

      String reduce(String augmentedStrong)
      To convert an augmented strong number to a standardised strong number
      augmentedStrong - augmented strong
      the normal strong number
    • augment

      String[] augment(String version, String verseRef, String unAugmentedStrongNumbers)
      Augments multiple strong numbers from a string. For example H0001 H0002 H0003 may become H0001 H0002a H0003
      version - version
      verseRef - the reference
      unAugmentedStrongNumbers - the unaugmented strong numbers
      array of String
    • isNonAugmented

      boolean isNonAugmented(String key)
    • readAndLoad

      void readAndLoad(String augStrongFile, String installFilePath)
    • loadFromSerialization

      void loadFromSerialization(String installFilePath)
    • updatePassageKeyWithAugStrong

      void updatePassageKeyWithAugStrong(String strong, org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Key reference)
    • getRefIndexWithStrong

    • isVerseInAugStrong

      boolean isVerseInAugStrong(String reference, String strong, StrongAugmentationService.AugmentedStrongsForSearchCount arg)