All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- TermsAndMaxCount<T> - Class in
Holds a set of matching terms, with the total potential count of all terms
- TermsAndMaxCount() - Constructor for class
- testAlphaChars() - Method in class
tests an invalid date with alpha characters
- testAlternativeTranslationsLoader() - Method in class
loads the nave module
- testApproximateSingleSearch() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordSearchServiceImplTest
Random tests
- testAugmentedStrongs() - Method in class
for this one we need a real jsword service because we will test that scripture refs are resolved correctly.
- testBlankDate() - Method in class
tests blank dates
- testColorCoder() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.ColorCoderProviderImplTest
Test color coder.
- testColorCoderMultiple() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.ColorCoderProviderImplTest
Test color coder.
- testColorCoderNoHits() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.ColorCoderProviderImplTest
Test color coder.
- testColorCoderNoMultipleHits() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.ColorCoderProviderImplTest
Test color coder.
- testColorCoding() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Test for bug TYNSTEP-378
- testColorCodingInterlinear() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Baseline for bug TYNSTEP-378, checking that in interlinear colour coding still works.
- testComparing() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
tests that the XSLT transformation is handled correctly
- testConcurrencyIssueOnBookData() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
tries to replicate the issue with bookdata not being able to be read in a concurrent fashion
- testDefaultInstaller() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.guice.providers.DefaultInstallersProviderTest
tests the main flows
- testDirectoryInstallation() - Method in class
test simple directory installation
- testDirectoryListingInstallation() - Method in class
test simple directory installation
- testDodgyUnicodeGreekCombiningCharacters() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.GreekUtilsTest
Tests that combining characters get removed in comparisons
- TestEntityIndexReaderImpl - Class in
Memory only lucene indexes...
- TestEntityIndexReaderImpl(EntityConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Memory only reader
- TestEntityIndexWriterImpl - Class in
A test version
- TestEntityIndexWriterImpl(EntityManager, String) - Constructor for class
- TestEntityManager - Class in
a test entity manager, which gives us indexes in memory
- TestEntityManager() - Constructor for class
constructs a memory mapped entity manager
- testEstimation() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordSearchServiceImplTest
tests that estimations of search results can be returned
- testExistingUser() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.UserServiceImplTest
tests an existing user is found, and an invalid one is not
- testExpand() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordAnalysisServiceImplTest
- testExpandingToLucene() - Method in class
- testExpandNoGap() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
should expand Ruth.1.22 to Ruth.1
- testFromUiOption() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LookupOptionTest
Tests that options are unique by UI Name
- testGetAnyKey() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
tests that getAnyKey returns the right portion of the string for different keys
- testGetBibleBooks() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Tests that getting a bible book returns the correct set of names
- testGetInterlinearVersions() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Gets the gets the interlinear versions.
- testGetLanguages() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.LanguageServiceImplTest
Checks that languages are read adequaltey
- testGetLongName() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.helpers.VersionResolverTest
Test method for
. - testGetNextRef() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
testing variations of getting the previous reference
- testGetPreviousRef() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
testing variations of getting the previous reference
- testGetShortName() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.helpers.VersionResolverTest
Test method for
. - testGetSiblingChapter() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Testing that reference gets bumped up and down
- testGetStrongPaddedKey() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
Tests that strong numbers are returned padded
- testGetStrongSpecificKey() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
Tests that strong: is stripped off
- testGood() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordSearchServiceImplTest
Random tests
- testGreekConversionToQuerying() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
testing the hebrew rules for searching a transliteration
- testHebrewConversionToQuerying() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
testing the hebrew rules for searching a transliteration
- testIndividualVersion() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearchTest
tests versions are matched and split correctly
- testInterleave() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Justs shows XML on the stdout
- testInterleavingCompare() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.InterleavingProviderImplTest
check that comparing adds the right set of versions
- testInterleavingCompareWithSameVersion() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.InterleavingProviderImplTest
Tests that the main version obliterates the presence of the same version within the list.
- testInterleavingNoCompare() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.InterleavingProviderImplTest
check that comparing adds the right set of versions
- testInterlinearStrongMorphBased() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.InterlinearProviderImplTest
this checks that when keyed with strong, morph and verse number, we can retrieve the word.
- testInterlinearTransformation() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
tests what happens when we select interlinear
- testKeyExtraction() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.VocabularyServiceImplTest
Test key extraction
- testLexiconDefinitions() - Method in class
for this one we need a real jsword service because we will test that scripture refs are resolved correctly.
- testLoaderProgress() - Method in class
- testLongHeaders() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Justs shows XML on the stdout
- TestLuceneIndexDirectory - Class in
A singleton to help locate the lucene indexes in testing
- testLuceneScope() - Method in class
- testMorphology() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordSearchServiceImplTest
Random tests
- testMultipleKeyExtraction() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.VocabularyServiceImplTest
Test multiple key extraction
- testMultiVersion() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearchTest
tests versions are matched and split correctly
- testMultiVersionSearch() - Method in class
Random tests
- testNaveLoader() - Method in class
loads the nave module
- testNoParts() - Method in class
tests an invalid short date
- testNormalize() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
tests that verse 0 gets excluded
- testNumberLookup() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Tests a lookup by number
- testParsingNullDate() - Method in class
tests null dates
- testPassageShrinking() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Tests that we don't allow large passages to be returned...
- testPatternIsCorrect() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordAnalysisServiceImplTest
Test pattern is correct.
- testPrepInput() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.suggestion.ReferenceSuggestionServiceImplTest
- testPreservesTokens() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtilsTest
checks that tokens are preserved when splitting
- testReduceKeySize() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Reducing the key size to something appropriate for the UI and acceptable for copyright holders.
- testRegexTokens() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtilsTest
checks that tokens are preserved when splitting
- testRobinsonMorphology() - Method in class
tests loading of robinson's morphology codes
- testSegVariants() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Justs shows XML on the stdout
- testSingleReference() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
Tests the resolving of passage references
- testSpecificForms() - Method in class
for this one we need a real jsword service because we will test that scripture refs are resolved correctly.
- testSplit() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtilsTest
test normal split condition
- testStripAlternatives() - Method in class
- testSubjectSearch() - Method in class
test exact strong match
- testSubRangeText() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearchTest
Tests the extraction of a original word search with a sub-range
- testTooManyParts() - Method in class
tests an invalid long date
- testTransliterateGreek() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
Testing transliteration of the greek
- testTransliterateHebrew() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
Transliterates some hebrew
- testTransliterateHebrew1() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
Tests the hebrew transliterations does not throw exceptions
- testUnaccentedHebrewOtherForms() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
tests hebrew vowels being removed
- testUnaccentedHebrewPointingForms() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtilsTest
tests hebrew pointing being removed
- testUnaccentRegexParses() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.GreekUtilsTest
test the regex parses and removes the appropriate characters
- testUnicodeNames() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.helpers.VersionResolverTest
- testUserIsCreated() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.UserServiceImplTest
tests an existing user is created when auto register is on
- testUserIsNotCreated() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.UserServiceImplTest
tests an existing user is not created when auto register is off
- TestUtils - Class in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils
static utilities for testing, creating entities, etc.
- testVersionInfo() - Method in class
tests the version information is loaded
- testVersionSplitterRegex() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.MultiInterlinearProviderImplTest
test the versions splitter characters
- testXslTransformation() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl.JSwordPassageServiceImplTest
tests that the XSLT transformation is handled correctly
- testYearAD() - Method in class
tests year AD
- testYearBC() - Method in class
tests year AD
- testYearMonthBC() - Method in class
tests year AD
- testYearMonthDay() - Method in class
tests year AD
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.stats.StatType
textual words in passage
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchType
a text search that is delegated to JSword
- TEXT_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.SearchToken
- TextSuggestion - Class in
- TextSuggestion() - Constructor for class
- TextSuggestionServiceImpl - Class in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.suggestion
Perhaps in the future, we will tie this into an English dictionary.
- TextSuggestionServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.suggestion.TextSuggestionServiceImpl
- TIMELINE_DESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchType
A timeline description search
- TIMELINE_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.SearchType
A timeline reference search
- TimelineAnalyzer - Class in
Geography analyzer
- TimelineAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
The geography analyzer
- TimelineEventsAndDate - Class in
A simple wrapper around a timeline set of events and a central date
- TimelineEventsAndDate() - Constructor for class
- TimelineEventSearchEntry - Class in
Carries timeline events
- TimelineEventSearchEntry() - Constructor for class
- TimelineService - Interface in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service
The timeline service gives access to all the data relating to the timeline the events, the configuration, etc.
- TimelineServiceImpl - Class in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl
The implementation of the timeline service, based on JDBC and ORM Lite to access the database.
- TimelineServiceImpl(EntityManager, JSwordPassageService) - Constructor for class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.TimelineServiceImpl
- TINY_VERSE_NUMBERS - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LookupOption
Showing tiny verse numbers
- toBetaLowercase(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.GreekUtils
assumes lower case version of beta, since this is what we search on
- toBetaUnaccented(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.GreekUtils
Gets rid of breathing and upper case symbols.
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
Constructs a filter with stop filter, lower case filter and porter stem filter
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
- tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
- TOPIC_BY_REF - Static variable in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.SearchToken
- toRemoteURI(Book) - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.transliteration.StringToStringRule
- toString() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.transliteration.TransliterationOption
- toString() - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.xsl.impl.DualKey
- toTitleCase(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils
- TranslatedException - Exception in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions
The default exception to be thrown throughout the application.
- TranslatedException(String, String...) - Constructor for exception com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException
creates the generic runtime exception to be used on the server.
- TranslatedException(Throwable, String, String...) - Constructor for exception com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException
creates the generic step internal exception to be used on the server.
- transliterate(HebrewLetter[], int, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.HebrewUtils
Transliterates the given input.
- transliterate(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringConversionUtils
- TRANSLITERATE_ORIGINAL - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LookupOption
Transliteration of the original master version text
- transliterateGreek(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.GreekUtils
Performs a greek transliteration on a normalised string
- transliterateHebrew(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.HebrewUtils
vowel-based hebrew transliteration
- TRANSLITERATION - Enum constant in enum class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LookupOption
Transliteration interlinear
- TransliterationAnalyzer - Class in
An analyzer for transliterations
- TransliterationAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
- TransliterationCleaningFilter - Class in
Cleans up transliterations by removing any extra character
- TransliterationCleaningFilter(TokenStream) - Constructor for class
- TransliterationOption - Class in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.transliteration
An option in a transliteration is a String that is built up, plus the current position tracked to the original word
- TransliterationOption(int, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.transliteration.TransliterationOption
- TransliterationRule - Interface in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.language.transliteration
- TransliteratorProcessor - Class in
Adds generated fields to the entity document - affects both "definition" and "specificForm"
- TransliteratorProcessor() - Constructor for class
- trim(int, boolean) - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.stats.PassageStat
Trims from the bottom up, leaving the more frequent words there until we have < maxWords
- trim(String) - Static method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils
- trim(List<LookupOption>, String, List<String>, InterlinearMode, InterlinearMode, List<TrimmedLookupOption>) - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.PassageOptionsValidationServiceImpl
- trim(List<LookupOption>, String, List<String>, InterlinearMode, InterlinearMode, List<TrimmedLookupOption>) - Method in interface com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.PassageOptionsValidationService
Similary to trim(), but provides the final display mode as well as the originating display mode
- trim(List<LookupOption>, String, List<String>, InterlinearMode, List<TrimmedLookupOption>) - Method in class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.PassageOptionsValidationServiceImpl
- trim(List<LookupOption>, String, List<String>, InterlinearMode, List<TrimmedLookupOption>) - Method in interface com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.PassageOptionsValidationService
Trims the options down to what is supported by the version.
- TrimmedLookupOption - Class in com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models
An option that was removed because it was incompatible with how a passage was being looked up
- TrimmedLookupOption() - Constructor for class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.TrimmedLookupOption
for serialisation
- TrimmedLookupOption(String, LookupOption) - Constructor for class com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.TrimmedLookupOption
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form